some important electrical abbreviations and their full forms:
- AC - Alternating Current
- DC - Direct Current
- HVAC - Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
- AWG - American Wire Gauge
- kWh - Kilowatt-hour
- Amp - Ampere
- V - Voltage
- Hz - Hertz
- Ohm - Ohm's Law
- VA - Volt-Ampere
- RMS - Root Mean Square
- PCB - Printed Circuit Board
- LED - Light Emitting Diode
- IC - Integrated Circuit
- PCB - Printed Circuit Board
- UPS - Uninterrupted Power Supply
- EMI - Electromagnetic Interference
- EMC - Electromagnetic Compatibility
- RFI - Radio Frequency Interference
- GFCI - Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
- AFCI - Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter
- MCCB - Molded Case Circuit Breaker
- MCB - Miniature Circuit Breaker
- SPD - Surge Protective Device
- CT - Current Transformer
- PT - Potential Transformer
- SLD - Single Line Diagram
- MCC - Motor Control Center
- DOL - Direct-On-Line
- PLC - Programmable Logic Controller
- SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
- DCS - Distributed Control System
- ELCB - Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
- RCBO - Residual Current Breaker with Overcurrent Protection
- PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
- A-Ampere
- AB Switch- Air Break Switch
- ACCB- Air Case Circuit Breaker
- ACDB-Alternating Current Distribution Board
- AFC-Automated Frequency Control
- AFC-Available Fault Current
- AFCI-Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter
- AH-Ampere Hour
- AHU-Air Handling Unit
- AIC-Ampere Interrupting Capacity
- APFC-Automatic Power Factor Control
- ATS-Automatic Transfer Switch
- BLDC-Brushless DC
- BLDM-Brushless DC Motor
- DB-Distribution Board
- DCDB-Direct Current Distribution Board
- DO Fuse- Drop Out Fuse
- DOL-Direct ON Line
- DP-Double Pole
- DPIC-Double Pole Iron Clad
- EHT-Extra High Tension
- ELCB-Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
- FBT-Flyback Transformer
- GFCI-Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
- GFI-Ground Fault Interrupter
- GIS-Gas Insulated Switchgear
- GO-Gang Operated
- HT-High Tension
- ICDB-Iron Clad Distribution Board
- IMC-Intermediate Metal Conduit
- IPMSM-Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
- LA-Lightning Arrester
- LOPT-Line Output Transformer
- LPS-Lightning Protection System
- LRA-Locked Rotor Amperes
- LT-Low Tension
- LVDT-Linear Variable Differential Transformer
- MCB-Miniature Circuit Breaker
- MCC-Motor Control Center Panel
- MCCB-Moulded Case Circuit Breaker
- MCP-Motor Circuit Protection
- NC-Normally Closed
- NCT-Neutral Current Transformer
- NO-Normally Open
- ONCT- On-circuit Tap Changer
- OLTC- On-load Tap Changer
- PB-Push Button
- PCC-Power Control Centre Panel
- PDP-Power Distribution Panel
- RCBO-Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overload Protection
- RCCB-Residual Current Circuit Breaker
- RFID-Radio Frequency Identification
- RLA-Rated Load Amperes
- RMC-Rigid Metal Conduit
- RMG-Ring Main Gear
- RMU-Ring Main Unit
- RNC-Rigid Non Metallic Conduit
- RPR-Reverse Power Relay
- SB-Switch Board
- SCIM-Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
- SFU-Switch Fuse Unit
- SPDT-Single Pole Double Throw
- SPST-Single Pole Single Throw
- SSR-Solid State Relay
- ST-Super Tension
- SWG-Standard Wire Gauge
- TMCB-Thermal Magnetic Circuit Breaker
- TPIC-Triple Pole Iron Clad
- TPS-Triple Pole Switch
- TRS-Tough Rubber Sheathed
- UART-Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter
- UDS-Uniform Drawing System
- UG-Under Ground
- USART-Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter
- VCB-Vacuum Circuit Breaker
- VFD-Variable Frequency Drive
- XLPE- Cross linked Polyethylen